Love Papua

The Love Papua Centre was officially opened on the 24th of March 2014. The centre was founded by Dr Rev. Suzette Hattingh, in cooperation with the Mr James Taroreh and Karya Ujung Bumi Foundation.

With the help and support of various sponsors, The Cinta Papua Foundation was founded by Suzette Hattingh on the 27th of January 2015. This foundation works in conjunction with Voice in the City to oversee and guide all operations of The Love Papua Centre.  

The goal of The Love Papua Centre is to teach, train and equip all levels of leadership and church members interdenominationally. The aim is transformation both spiritually and physically – impacting the youth, children, leadership, and communities.

The Love Papua Centre is based in Manokwari, in the province of West Papua, Indonesia. Since inception in 2014, thousands upon thousands have received training, inspiration and even salvation at The Love Papua Centre and more is added to this number monthly.

One of the key areas The Love Papua Centre focuses on, is bringing simple training and education to the inland, indigenous people who are often illiterate or have received very limited education. These training sessions are simplified to minister to their exact needs. These courses lasts for up to five days and during this time, 14 lessons are conducted. Participants stay in house with full lodge and board. 75% – 100% of the expenses are sponsored by The Love Papua Centre.

Video about the Love Papua Centre in Indonesia

Magazine report June 2024

Magazine report April 2024

Magazine report March 2024

Highlights 2023 Love Papua Center


Humanitarian Ministry

The Love Papua Centre believes that “spiritual input and practical outlet” is the biblical principle. Therefore, The Love Papua Centre does not only teach, preach and equip but, at the same time, serve their communities in practical ways.

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Seeding Program

Seeing the desperate need for the indigenous people to not only have spiritual input, but also to be trained in a practical skill, The Love Papua Centre runs a seeding programme in conjunction with East West Seed Indonesia. Participants are taken from a place of inferiority and are transformed into entrepreneurs, earning an income with…

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Prison Ministry

The Love Papua Centre staff deem the local prison as one of their key focus points. With bi-weekly visits, preaching and sometimes feeding, this has become a vital part on the ministry’s schedule.

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Youth and Children’s Work

With the youth and children as the focus, the Love Papua Centre staff invests specific ministry days to impact the children of the area and surrounding communities, as well as other districts.

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You can give directly to the Love Papua project by direct bank deposit.

Bank Mandiri cabang Manokwari
Bank Account:
Yayasan Cinta Papua
Voice in the City
Account number:
160 000 149 007 3