Make an online donation
Complete the form below to make an online donation using your payment card.
Complete the form below to make an online donation through PayPal.
Bank Accounts
You can also give by making a direct bank transfer to one of our accounts
International Account
IBAN: GB39 HBUK 4013 2951 4807 82
BIC / Swift Code: HBUK GB4121T
German Account
Frankfurter Sparkasse
IBAN: DE03 5005 0201 0000 1522 80
UK Account
Account Number: 51480782
Sort Code: 40-13-29
Dutch account
Kamer van Koophandel: 520 744 55
Rabobank: 1609 20337
IBAN: NL54 RABO 0160920337
South Africa Account
First National Bank
Account Number: 626 187 10140
Branch-Code: 250 655
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
Indonesia Account
Bank Mandiri cabang Manokwari
Yayasan Cinta Papua
Voice in the City
Account Number: 160 000 149 007 3
Swift Code: BMRIIDJA
Please send cheques to
Voice in the City
PO Box 5836
West Midlands
B63 3HF
Vereinigtes Königreich

All online donations are secure and your financial information is protected. Our website uses 256-bit encrypted SSL certificates and payment information is taken on our payment provider website and is complete secure.

Gift Aid Explained
The simplest and most effective way to give to a charity in the UK, is through Gift Aid. This scheme is administered by the Inland Revenue and allows charities (in this case, Voice in the City,) to claim 25p for every £1 you donate – at no extra cost to you. This means, your donations of £20 could be worth £25
If you are a UK taxpayer (income tax and/or capital gains tax) and you have paid tax that is at least equal to the tax that Voice in the City will reclaim on your donations in a tax year, you qualify to Gift Aid your donations!
If you already donate to us and want to check that you are gift aiding your donations, then please contact our UK office on 0121 602 4545.
The Gift Aid guidelines require a Gift Aid Declaration Form to be completed. Gift Aid Declaration forms should include the following:
- The name of our charity (which our form includes).
- The full name and home address of the person making the donation, including their postcode. Donations cannot be made jointly.
- A statement that the donor pays an amount of income and/or capital gains tax that is at least equivalent to the tax that Voice in the City will claim and that the person wants his or her donations to be treated as Gift Aid donations. It gives us the data we need to be able to claim Gift Aid on a donation.
If you donate online, you can Gift Aid your donations by ticking the Gift Aid box as a declaration.
To ensure we can claim the money back, it is crucial that all the information asked for on the declaration is provided.