Having been so much in Papua, with Jakarta virtually only a “passing through” place, I had forgotten just how heavy the traffic is in Jakarta, irrespective of the day or night. It is indeed a city that does not sleep.
Soon the promotion tour was underway, touching base again with those churches who are connected to us as a ministry and telling them about the goodness of God and what He is doing in Papua.
Even though the churches we visited were in the suburbs of Jakarta, we still had to plan at least 3 hours in one direction just to get there. Oh, but every minute was worth it once we started ministering to a people hungry for God, ready for more in Christ, believing for new dimensions and wanting to learn how to get to those dimensions in Christ.
How amazing the Holy Spirit is that He always touches His people according to their need, be it healing, deliverance, encouragement or just receiving a word in season for their need.
For me personally, the highlight was the Morning Prayer in Ps. Wiryohadi’s church, where approximately 700 people pour into the building every Saturday morning at 4:30 am just to pray! They did not come for a special meeting. No – that is part of life, every Saturday morning!
From there we went to Surabaya to minister at the “My Home” gathering and the city leaders meeting. Yet when I look back at this time, I see how God dealt with the crowds but much more with the individuals – caring for one of His daughters who sits in a wheelchair with a ventilator breathing for her; or reaching into the needs of those who sometimes sit in a crowd. Yet these people have deep inner needs that go unseen because of the needs and rushing forward of many for prayer.
I became deeply aware of how little we understand what the Holy Spirit is doing and how he deals with the individual right there in the crowd, touching and changing them from glory to glory.