We have just come back from Norway where Suzette ministered live on Kanal 10, a Norwegian Christian TV channel. To our surprise, the owners of the channel decided to broadcast all our meetings live! Did you join via livestream? If so, let us know. We would love to hear your testimony.
The videos are still online. You can watch the meetings here (please click on the individual days): Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
It is impossible to cover everything that the Lord has done during those days! Here are just a few snippets from the evening meetings.
Sitting in the first meeting, I suddenly felt how “revelation” hovered over us in the room. To me it felt like the Lord was turning lights on, even chandeliers. This may seem like flowery language, yes, but later at the book table in conversation with the people, this was confirmed by others.
Here are some of the things that they said:
• “He does not see the broken image in me like a dirty mirror” (but cleansed through the blood of Jesus and the presence of Christ in me. HE is the hope of glory.) Suzette used a dirty mirror as a visualisation.
• “God wants me to be included in His team for teamwork”,
• “I am His partner in what He does”
On the second evening, Suzette ministered on the four different kinds of intercessor. Although it was 2 hours straight preaching nobody really noticed. That message truly impacted people. Many testified how important this message was for them!
Friday evening – a powerful, strong meeting! Revelation, impact, healing!
Praying is exciting! The listeners did not only go one step further, but they were shown completely new areas (dimensions) in prayer. Where God is, there is also healing! We saw people that got healed this evening without Suzette even praying for them, for example, healing from back pain that had been there for years.
A minister of God who had heard Suzette preach in some other places said that this was the best meeting with Suzette he had attended so far.
Saturday evening was in Suzette’s words: “An amazing meeting of impact and commissioning! Many people called in to testify how God had touched them and spoken to them. We had people joining the broadcast from USA, Kenya, Indonesia and of course Europe.” A Norwegian lady, mature in Christ, said: “That was the best message I have heard in 100 years.”
Sunday night was the closing meeting. Suzette was very much talking to the young people. No more compromise! We would love to have seen what happened in people’s homes as they watched.
We thank the Lord for the 14,000 people that watched on Facebook alone over the 5 days and we know that many more watched on TV itself. Numbers do not count but souls do! Impact and change – things only God can do by His Spirit.
Thank you to everyone at Kanal 10. It was a privilege to serve Christ with you!
Photos by John Tofte