A breathtaking day!
by Benjamin Fech
It was the first time that we had organized a Frankfurt Connect Day and testimonies are now reaching us of all the Lord has done.
Today was a breathtaking day and you could see that Jesus was at work. Everyone who needed healing received deliverance from Jesus, and it was astonishing to see how many young people today are still ready to give their lives to Jesus. I felt how the love of God was laid in my heart and how I have a new love for the Lord.
– Betti
The whole day took place on the grounds of the All Nations Church in Bad Homburg and many came via public transport to ensure they didn’t miss out. The weather played into our hands, and due to the clouds, ensured the day ran smoothly. To our surprise around 50 of the young people and young adults arrived in the morning. During the day more people came, and the workshops were very well attended.

We felt God’s presence and many people were touched by Him. As we approached the evening the room was full, and what happened there exceeded our imagination. During our prayer time beforehand, we felt the need to take all the chairs out of the room, something we have never done before. Thereafter we felt such a freedom in worship and the hunger for God was clearly seen. No agenda – Jesus alone was our focus.

As Perric Afari started to preach, as a team we felt that this would be a special night. Perric preached on the topic, “Where is God”, and spoke that Jesus is knocking at the door of our hearts, and that when the clear gospel is preached, then the Holy Spirit will confirm it with signs and wonders. We did an altar call and many came running forward in tears to give their lives to Jesus. What a wonderful moment that was registered in the Book of Life on this day. Thereafter, Perric prayed for the sick and people were standing in a line to testify that God had healed them. The whole room was shaking as the testimonies were shared and we praised the Lord for what he had done.

We are still in awe of all God has done, how he has touched the younger generation, and we would love to share a few more testimonies of that day:
This day was a foretaste of all God wants to do in the younger generation. Both of the workshops – worship and calling – were well attended, and the workshop participants were involved wholeheartedly. Right here God’s presence was tangible and people were touched.
– Martin
I had a very intimate time with Jesus, where he told me that he is there for me and that he will always be there for me. That has filled me with such a peace. I can recommend to everyone to come to Frankfurt Connect. I am 22 years old and many people would do something else on a Saturday evening, but if you want to do something for yourself and your future then I would recommend it to you. Come and see it yourself.
– Mika
On Saturday I spent the whole afternoon in a conversation with two older men, (middle 50’s), who became aware of Frankfurt Connect over the internet. At the beginning the men reacted aggressively when I spoke about Jesus, but when I offered to pray for the teeth of one of their wives, the guy also asked for prayer. At the beginning there was no visible healing, but both reacted perplexed over a few impressions that the Holy Spirit revealed to them. “How do you know about it? It is impossible that you know that about us!” They opened their hearts and told me about their heartbreaking and painful life story. After the evening service the men walked up to me again. One was emotional as he was telling me that while another guy was praying for his back pain, he suddenly felt an extreme heat as if someone had pointed a flamethrower at him. He felt that Jesus was knocking at his door. When I asked him if he wanted to invite Jesus into his life, he affirmed that, and together with Pascal and another young man, we were able to lead him into a prayer of repentance. Afterwards he was again excited because his heart was beating fast during the prayer, and it was proof for him that Jesus had truly come into his heart. Today he wrote to me that he still feels no pain and that he is very moved that he felt God’s touch.
– Hauke