A well-received message!

Thank you for your prayers for Gayle´s ministry on Sunday in Darmstadt at the “Ecclesia Gemeinde”. Gayle was preaching in German and I think we all enjoyed that.

After the sermon, people came to the book table and shared how important this Word from God was for them. One lady said this was the perfect message for her; she needed to hear that in the situation she is in. Others also confirmed how important the preaching was for them.

Gayle´s message was entitled “Why do we have to wait so long?” – an encouraging message that many of us can relate to. Gayle started her sermon in Acts 1:4 with the disciples who received the command from Jesus that they shall wait for the gift of the Father. They did not know how long it would take nor how it would happen. They just had the Word of the Lord.

In the preaching, Gayle brought up some very helpful points, like the one that such a waiting time is a time of getting our priorities right which is so important. She continued with four more interesting and helpful points.
You will be able to order the message at a later point from our office.

Thank you again for your prayer support, for standing with us!
