Suzette Hattingh

The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.

Isaiah 61:1 NIV

From 1980 to 1996, Dr Rev. Suzette Hattingh was part of Reinhard Bonnke’s ministry “Christ for all Nations” (CfaN). Heading up the intercession department, Suzette played a major role in the worldwide campaign preparations and the general ministry, later becoming Reinhard’s associate evangelist.

Her ministry of prayer during Reinhard Bonnke evangelistic outreaches, often coupled with one-to-one evangelism and street evangelism, has brought thousands of souls into the kingdom of God and has motivated numerous Christians in prayer and personal evangelism.

An evangelist in her own right, Suzette’s ministry quickly broadened into major evangelistic outreaches and prayer schools. On 1st January 1997, Suzette Hattingh together with Gayle Claxton, founded “Voice in the City”, an international, interdenominational missions organization, endeavouring to reach out to the lost and broken-hearted, irrespective of their walk of life.

On 27th January 2015, Suzette became the founder of the non-profit organisation ‘Cinta Papua’ in West Papua, Indonesia. This has expanded into two training centres called the ‘Love Papua Centre’. Here, thousands of people interdenominationally get inspired, trained and led into a deeper walk with God.

An integral part of the ministry is healing, having been used strongly by the Lord for signs and wonders. As well as worldwide evangelistic campaigns, Suzette has a strong call from the Lord to concentrate on cities and local communities. Under the banner of servant hood, she reaches out with the same passion to one soul as to a million. Although a passionate evangelist, Suzette is also gifted in edifying and equipping the body of Christ through motivational preaching and teaching.

As an author, her anointed teachings, seasoned with experience, have been an inspiration to thousands across the world.

“Faith turns your spiritual prison into a Godly platform.”

– Suzette Hattingh