by Stephen Lewin
Receiving the Love of God
1 John 4:19 says that we love God because He first loved us. I love that it all starts with The Lord Jesus loving me, and that I must receive that love, which is poured out into my heart (Romans 5:5). That love does something in our lives. It controls, urges, and impels us so that all those who live might no longer live to and for themselves, but to and for Him Who died and was raised again for their sake. (2 Cor. 5:13-15 AMPC)
I am greatly challenged by the books of Luke and Acts, which give much insight into the practice of prayer and worship in relation to receiving from the Lord.
This gives me the encouragement to do what I read happened with Jesus when He allowed compassion to move Him to minister in healing, teaching, and preaching so that others may receive. The love of God moved Jesus, and it moves me.
Obeying the Voice of God
When Jesus rose from the dead, He gave instructions to His followers to wait for the promise of the Holy Spirit, who would come upon them in power. Their response to His love was to worship and praise the Lord with prayer and referring to the scriptures, which we read in Acts 1. This put them in a position to receive as they did in Acts 2, when those who were obedient to wait, received this power and love, which caused them to overcome their weaknesses, die to self and praise The Lord. This also caused them to preach and to stand together.
Practical application as a response to God’s love so that other may receive
“I love to have extended times of worship with prayer. I open the Word before the Lord and let Him come to give me what I need. I minister back to Him and, as He leads, I share what is needed when it is appropriate.”
Corporate, extended worship, especially in an outside setting, is vital because the world needs to see the people of God worship with others and minister the Word.
I love to have extended times of worship with prayer. I open the Word before the Lord and let Him come to give me what I need.
– Stephen Lewin
Recently a large group of believers from different churches in this area, have been joining together on some nights on a hill overlooking the city. Through their worshipping together with prayers and sharing the word they have impacted bystanders as well as those that are part of the group.
Voice in the City is an international, interdenominational mission organisation founded on the 1st January 1997 by Rev. Dr. Suzette Hattingh and Rev. Gayle Claxton. We are as committed to one soul as to a million and are reaching out to the lost in whatever way possible. We endeavour, as a ministry, to operate under the banner of servanthood in all that we do, having a global vision with a local heart.