Teaching the body of Christ how to make prayer a lifestyle through conferences, seminars and Prayer Schools in conjunction with our work book.
My house will be called a house of Prayer for all Nations.
Mark 11:17
As healing is a finished part of the work of redemption on the cross we minister with equal compassion to the sick as to the lost.
It is not the healthy that need a Doctor, but the sick.
Mark 2:17
We will walk through every door of opportunity to reach the lost and broken hearted through mass evangelistic outreaches or one to one encounters. This is and remains the core focus of the Cross and the heart beat of this ministry.
Go into all the world.
Mark 16:15
Ministry of Helps
Living out acts of kindness to the poor and needy is part of our passion and call, be it through caring for the orphans in our Children’s homes or the lonely hearted in prisons. We want to practically show the love of Jesus to everyone irrespective of their walk of life.
He who is kind to the poor lends to the Lord.
Proverbs 19:17
With practical teaching and application we inspire the body of Christ to take what they are taught outside the church or seminar walls and apply it to their daily lives.
The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life.
Proverbs 13:14