Ministry in Indonesia

by Dr Rev. Suzette Hattingh and Chara Teh

Dear partners,

Thank you for being shareholders of this ministry! Please see below snippets of the Ministry in Indonesia that took place in the last two to three weeks. It would be too much to report all, but this will give you bit of insight what happened.

It was truly a joy and honour to be at the Prayer School for youth in Banyubiru, Semarang. The hall was filled with about 300 students from high schools in the surrounding area, their chaperone teachers, and some local pastors and leaders. The sessions began with exuberant praise and thanks to God, especially for the privilege of having such an event for the first time.

Dr Rev. Suzette taught on the four pillars of prayer. Many of the attendants heard, for the first time, about the foundations of prayer and intercession. In closing, Suzette invited everyone to commit afresh to prayer. After a personal declaration and prayer of commitment, she prayed a blessing and activation for the prayer lives of all who were in attendance. What an uplifting time! We are excited to participate and be witnesses as God stirs young hearts towards prayer and His desires and purposes.

On the evening of the 11th January, Dr Rev. Suzette ministered at a special Christmas celebration, the first of its kind, only made possible by the grace of God. The doors opened and about 1,000 joyous hearts celebrated together. It was a wonderful time.

Suzette unpacked the true meaning of the birth of Christ. She spoke with revelation about the voices that announced the purpose of why Christ came. The birth of Christ that is always at the core of Christmas was brought full-circle with the full story of the gospel. Christ came for us, in all our lack and unworthiness. “Christmas is a decision of love that was made in the throne room of heaven that surpasses all understanding.”

With hands raised and hearts filled with thankfulness, we celebrated the precious gift of Christ – God’s love for us.

Christmas is a decision of love that was made in the throne room of heaven that surpasses all understanding. – Suzette –

Preaching yesterday in Semarang, seeing people weeping at the altar always moves my heart and oh, how they wept at that altar call. A work only the Holy Spirit can do.  

I was honoured to preach again in the “Holy Stadium.” I have not preached there since 2015. Wow! Thank you Ibu Tina and especially Pak Daniel Prio arranging it. 

– Suzette – 

I live in a world of colour and culture. Indonesia has such a rich heritage of diverse cultures and traditional clothing that they wear with great pride.  
The people also wore it at the opening of the MY HOME National conference where I will be speaking tonight. (14/01/2025) 

God rocked that meeting last night! Wow God came by FIRE last night!  

– Suzette –

More meetings happened in January, like Zoom meetings, a Church Service in Surabaya on the 19th January. An evangelistic meeting in Semarang on the 22nd January and a seminar for servants of God on the 23rd January.  

We thank God for the open doors to share His Word and give Him glory for what He has done! 

We also thank you for your prayer support which makes a great difference! 

The Lord bless you 
The VitC team  

Watch Dr Rev. Suzette Hattingh preaching at The National Gathering “Indonesia For The World” , Indonesia15th of January 2025

KKR Se-Kota Semarang – Dr Rev. Suzette Hattingh