in the Red light district of Frankfurt
by Dr Gayle Claxton
On Tuesday we had the blessing of having our first ever Christmas party in one of the brothels of the Red light district of Frankfurt – God fulfilled a dream of mine that I had 38 years ago and together with our fantastic Treasures team in Frankfurt we were able to minister the love of God to 19 woman working in the brothel – it is hard to put in words what God has done Tuesday night – I was told it is impossible- you will never be allowed to have a “CHRISTmas Party” but God opened the door and this is just the start- thank you for standing with us and praying for us.
I was told it is impossible – you will never be allowed to have a “CHRISTmas Party”
but God opened the door
Here are a few pictures from the preparation and the gifts and the worship before the ladies came – we will not post any pictures of the ladies that came for there own security- but please continue to pray for these ladies and us!
We believe for BIG things.
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