Lighthouse Evangelism Ministry in Singapore
by Sella Susilo

The Lighthouse Evangelism Ministry are known as Lighthouse Evangelism Church. They identify as an evangelical charismatic church, and they invited Dr Rev. Suzette Hattingh to teach them about prayer.
The first night Suzette ministered on building a foundation of prayer for the church. They received an introduction to the concept of intercession, which entailed learning about a “new way” to pray and what to pray for.
One of the scriptures they prayed at the conference:
ARISE (from the depression and prostration in which circumstances have kept you – rise to a new life)!
SHINE (be radiant with the glory of the Lord), for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you!
Isaiah 60:1 AMPC

12th July
Wow…the church is praying! The people are rising up to a level of prayer they have never experienced before…
A new experience for the people who attended the meeting. They came from so many locations in Singapore, not only from the church itself, but also from other denominations, but something was so different from the first night. More young people came to learn about prayer, and they were introduced to a new way of prayer, and they were all so excited. They were on fire.

It’s about time for the young generation of Singapore to take their place and rise up in prayer for their land.

13th July
It’s time to put all the theory into practice. An extended meeting, and the people came with excitement, with hunger and thirst for God.
Everybody joined, we worshipped and declared the Word of God – we prayed it. We then continued to worship, and then prayed the Word.

14th July
Dr Rev. Suzette ministered at two Sunday service meetings, at 9am and 11.30am in the Tampines branch. The church has 2 branches – Tampines and Woodlands. The meeting was live at the Tampines branch, and the congregation at Woodlands joined by livestream.
In these two meetings, the congregation, as well as everyone who worked in the church, were brought to “the altar and the porch”. Each meeting had a different emphasis. At the end of each meeting, many of the congregation together with the leadership, renewed their commitment to the Lord.
The church has learned, and we pray that the Holy Spirit will continue His work in the hearts of all the people, and that God alone will be glorified forever and amen.